Monday, December 27, 2010

Who is your BFF????

So, you haven't really talked to anyone since high school. Everyone has new friends, play groups, book club pals, and on and on and on. But who is really your best friend? Is it someone you have known forever so you feel comfortable and just stay friends with them? Is it some one who has the same age children as you and has the same schedule? Is it some one you met through your husbands' best friend and instantly clicked with? Who is your best friend? I have been having a big issue with this lately. I don't really "talk" to anyone from high school anymore (those days are dreaded by me and I only talk to my fellow ex-peers on facebook), my ex-playgroup pals are all still tight while I became a working mom full time and cannot meet up with them, and my husband and I don't really have much time to socialize with old friends as much. So... who makes a good best friend and one that can be there when you are super busy with work/life/family and still be there while you are stressed/PMS-ing/ frustrated? Well, I've found through the past months the answer to that question... a true friend is one who will... let you brag about your kids and the next minute bitch about what little shits they are being, love Vampire movies just as much as you, share how frustrated you are about your husband even though you love him to pieces, gossip and gossip some more without saying a word to anyone else(like you would have in high school), loves Lady Gaga as much as you do even though she is crazy, doesn't share your deepest darkest secret with anyone, will listen to your family bullshit without judgement, will go a week w/o talking to you and then when you do talk it's like you didn't go one day without talking, and most of all, is there when you need someone. Good friends are like a pair of Christian Louboutin pumps... you can't "afford" them b/c they are priceless. They are rare. Jeez, if you find a pair of green ones you are extra lucky. Hold on to them and treasure them forever! Who is your BFF?

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