Friday, December 31, 2010

Detox diet... starting January 1st 2011!

OK.... here goes. Starting a natural detox diet tomorrow and this is what I have prepared for tomorrow... (ps- consult w/ a doctor before taking any of my advice!)
1. Spaghetti squash and a homemade tomato sauce using Nature's Promise whole peeled tomatoes and tomato paste loaded w/ garlic, onions, argulara, pureed carrots and avocados.
2. Juicer veggies.fruits for my awesome juicer from Kohl's.. carrots, watermelon, an apple and a peeled orange
3. 8 glasses of water with lemon
4. baby spinach salad w. tomatoes, onions, carrots, avocado, and organic balsamic vinaigrette dressing
5. Green tea w/ lemon (decaf)
Snacks...  raw walnuts, almonds, Hemp protein shake (got all of them from The Natural Grocer in Newburyport
Supplements... Floradex Vitamin drink ( Natural Grocer), Omega Fish Oil, Milk Thistle
Detox bath- Epsom salt, sea salt and baking soda
More to come tomorrow....

Day 1. January 1st 2011
-Got up and took a detoxifying bath w/ Epsom salt, baking soda, and sea salt.
-Juiced 1 carrot, 1 peeled orange, watermelon, and a whole apple (not peeled)
-Supplements- Omega 3, Milk Thistle
-Floradex Vitamin Drink
-Water w/ lemon... 8 glasses
-Lunch- Spaghetti squash with the homemade organic sauce listed above...
-dinner... salmon, steamed veggies
-Green tea
-Banana rolled in Flax seed
-Cranberry Juice with Hemp protien
-Yoga workout (very sore this morning now!)

Day 2. January 2nd
- Green Tea
- Juicer: carrots, celery, pineapple, apple
- Supplements: Omega 3, Milk Thistle,  Floradex Liquid Vitamin
- spaghetti squash with h.made sauce and side of salmon
- raw almonds
- water with lemon
- baby spinach salad with carrots, onions, and tomatoes w/ organic vinaigrette dressing
- raw almonds
- Juicer: raspberries, strawberries, pineapple and hemp protein
-Green Tea

Day 3. January 3rd
-Green Tea
-Juicer: carrot, lettuce, coconut water, 1/2 apple, pineapple
- Omega 3, milk thistle, Floradex liquid Vitamin and Dr. Mercola's D3 spray
- Cranberry juice
- Organic oatmeal with added flax seed and bananas (this was very hard for me to get down w/o gagging)
- water w/ lemon
- spaghetti squash w/ home made sauce
-Juicer: 1 whole beet with greens, 1 apple, pineapple (Yuck! had to chug it so I wouldn't throw up!)
- Spin class-- 45 minutes. Kicked my ass!
- Raw almonds
-cranberry juice w/ 4 tbsp of hemp protein
-about 1 cup of home made tomato sauce

Day 4 Jan. 4th
- Juicer: broccoli, blueberries, raspberries, 1 orange
- same supplements and vitamins as above
- celery and carrot sticks with hummus
- green tea
- water w/ lemon
- salad w/ baby spinach, red peppers and tomatoes
-Dandelion Root Tea
- organic brown rice with onions, garlic, and Tempeh, organic curry
-Raspberry Leaf Tea
- Juicer: 2 whole oranges, 1/2 pear mixed with 4 tbsp Hemp protein

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