Friday, December 31, 2010

More things I love!!!!

I am NOT a big reader, but this book which i discovered from Oprah's Magazine, is absolutely phenomenal! At first you'll think you won't make it through the book because it is from a little boy's point of view, but once you keep reading you will be impressed. It is a little disturbing but so worth the read!
Watch, watch again! Love this!

Makes me laugh all the time and Ellen is so giving, down to earth, and just plain awesome!

So eye opening.

Think Green. Think chemical/chlorine free for your baby! They are the best,cutest, easiest, and money saving diapers out there!

Love her and Dr.OZ. This book is awesome!

Detox diet... starting January 1st 2011!

OK.... here goes. Starting a natural detox diet tomorrow and this is what I have prepared for tomorrow... (ps- consult w/ a doctor before taking any of my advice!)
1. Spaghetti squash and a homemade tomato sauce using Nature's Promise whole peeled tomatoes and tomato paste loaded w/ garlic, onions, argulara, pureed carrots and avocados.
2. Juicer veggies.fruits for my awesome juicer from Kohl's.. carrots, watermelon, an apple and a peeled orange
3. 8 glasses of water with lemon
4. baby spinach salad w. tomatoes, onions, carrots, avocado, and organic balsamic vinaigrette dressing
5. Green tea w/ lemon (decaf)
Snacks...  raw walnuts, almonds, Hemp protein shake (got all of them from The Natural Grocer in Newburyport
Supplements... Floradex Vitamin drink ( Natural Grocer), Omega Fish Oil, Milk Thistle
Detox bath- Epsom salt, sea salt and baking soda
More to come tomorrow....

Day 1. January 1st 2011
-Got up and took a detoxifying bath w/ Epsom salt, baking soda, and sea salt.
-Juiced 1 carrot, 1 peeled orange, watermelon, and a whole apple (not peeled)
-Supplements- Omega 3, Milk Thistle
-Floradex Vitamin Drink
-Water w/ lemon... 8 glasses
-Lunch- Spaghetti squash with the homemade organic sauce listed above...
-dinner... salmon, steamed veggies
-Green tea
-Banana rolled in Flax seed
-Cranberry Juice with Hemp protien
-Yoga workout (very sore this morning now!)

Day 2. January 2nd
- Green Tea
- Juicer: carrots, celery, pineapple, apple
- Supplements: Omega 3, Milk Thistle,  Floradex Liquid Vitamin
- spaghetti squash with h.made sauce and side of salmon
- raw almonds
- water with lemon
- baby spinach salad with carrots, onions, and tomatoes w/ organic vinaigrette dressing
- raw almonds
- Juicer: raspberries, strawberries, pineapple and hemp protein
-Green Tea

Day 3. January 3rd
-Green Tea
-Juicer: carrot, lettuce, coconut water, 1/2 apple, pineapple
- Omega 3, milk thistle, Floradex liquid Vitamin and Dr. Mercola's D3 spray
- Cranberry juice
- Organic oatmeal with added flax seed and bananas (this was very hard for me to get down w/o gagging)
- water w/ lemon
- spaghetti squash w/ home made sauce
-Juicer: 1 whole beet with greens, 1 apple, pineapple (Yuck! had to chug it so I wouldn't throw up!)
- Spin class-- 45 minutes. Kicked my ass!
- Raw almonds
-cranberry juice w/ 4 tbsp of hemp protein
-about 1 cup of home made tomato sauce

Day 4 Jan. 4th
- Juicer: broccoli, blueberries, raspberries, 1 orange
- same supplements and vitamins as above
- celery and carrot sticks with hummus
- green tea
- water w/ lemon
- salad w/ baby spinach, red peppers and tomatoes
-Dandelion Root Tea
- organic brown rice with onions, garlic, and Tempeh, organic curry
-Raspberry Leaf Tea
- Juicer: 2 whole oranges, 1/2 pear mixed with 4 tbsp Hemp protein

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Things I love!

Kristen Stewart... why? She is an amazing actress (and I'm not talking about Twilght) She has been in many movies since she was a kid and she can act. She's also not one of those fashion diva "get me in the spotlight as much as you can please" actresses, and she's not fake.

Why these? So awesome. Yet, so very expensive. (Yes, I have champagne taste on a beer budget I suppose) And, green is my fave color!

Hayley Williams from Paramore... Love her style, voice, and music. Another female in the entertainment industry who doesn't pretend she's someone that she's not!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Who is your BFF????

So, you haven't really talked to anyone since high school. Everyone has new friends, play groups, book club pals, and on and on and on. But who is really your best friend? Is it someone you have known forever so you feel comfortable and just stay friends with them? Is it some one who has the same age children as you and has the same schedule? Is it some one you met through your husbands' best friend and instantly clicked with? Who is your best friend? I have been having a big issue with this lately. I don't really "talk" to anyone from high school anymore (those days are dreaded by me and I only talk to my fellow ex-peers on facebook), my ex-playgroup pals are all still tight while I became a working mom full time and cannot meet up with them, and my husband and I don't really have much time to socialize with old friends as much. So... who makes a good best friend and one that can be there when you are super busy with work/life/family and still be there while you are stressed/PMS-ing/ frustrated? Well, I've found through the past months the answer to that question... a true friend is one who will... let you brag about your kids and the next minute bitch about what little shits they are being, love Vampire movies just as much as you, share how frustrated you are about your husband even though you love him to pieces, gossip and gossip some more without saying a word to anyone else(like you would have in high school), loves Lady Gaga as much as you do even though she is crazy, doesn't share your deepest darkest secret with anyone, will listen to your family bullshit without judgement, will go a week w/o talking to you and then when you do talk it's like you didn't go one day without talking, and most of all, is there when you need someone. Good friends are like a pair of Christian Louboutin pumps... you can't "afford" them b/c they are priceless. They are rare. Jeez, if you find a pair of green ones you are extra lucky. Hold on to them and treasure them forever! Who is your BFF?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas is almost many more hours??

So, yes...Christmas was fun. Of course I loved seeing my babies wake up and open their stocking and seeing the excitement in their little faces. Now I am faced with piles and piles of so many toys... ugh... that I have to find a place for and organize... my OCD is so kicking in. I keep thinking in the back of my head "In a few more years they will be too old for toys and I will be wishing these days back again. I am also now faced with dozens of Wii games that I am going to have to put a limit on as far as "screen time'. Luckily I made "screen time dollars" before Christmas.. 30 minutes of screen time for each dollar, 7 dollars a week. The hard part is going to be getting my husband to stick with the rule too. Anyway, I want to thank my lovely family for a great, chaotic, fun and crazy Christmas! I guess the picture above sums it up!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Last Night's School Play

This is too funny...forgot to mention it... So, we go to Gage's 2nd grade play last night. Jacob and Niky say they have to go to the bathroom with me (even though they didn't really have to go).... we go into the school bathroom and I couldn't get the door locked so I asked Jacob to please hold the door closed. I'm peeing. Jacob opens the door to my stall and shouts "Mom, the Principal's in here too!" She laughs her jolly little laugh. I say "Jacob! Close the door!" So, I can only imagine what the Principal thinks of me now....

Merry Night Before Christmas Eve!

Night Before Christmas Eve!

Well, it's the Night Before Christmas Eve and my boys are all snuggled so warmly in my bed! "Reindeer Food" is made, Christmas Eve outfits are ironed and laid out for tomorrow, and I'm washing their matching Hanna Andersson Christmas Jammie's as I type! Today I am thankful for all of the wonderful parents and children of my daycare. They brought me such thoughtful and generous gifts, it really makes me feel appreciated! Now off to do more laundry, and prepare food to bring to Mom's for Christmas Eve! Hoping to play Pokeno at some point- Christmas Eve tradition! And also want to congratulate my wonderful and patient husband on his last night of school tonight! Love you hon!

Reindeer Food: Have your child mix up some oats and glitter. Tag with a note that reads: "Sprinkle on the lawn on Christmas Eve. The moon will make it sparkle bright as Santa's reindeer fly and roam. This will guide them to your home!"